One of the things I miss the most about New England, is the architecture of the homes. It’s no wonder that among the contemporary and Spanish style homes in LA that I gravitated towards an old beach cottage (from 1909). I know it’s not old by New England standards, where it’s common to see a home dating back to the 1600’s, 1700’s and 1800’s but, for the record….it’s OLD by California standards. I do miss the character, crooked wood floors, ceilings, shutters, front porches, and beautiful moldings of New England homes. I went to a few open houses to see what I could get for $500,000 vs. Manhattan Beach. May I say, I was green with envy. Enjoy the lovely tour of Chester, Essex, Old Saybrook, and Old Lyme.
See below the lovely architecture and how lovely spring time is in Connecticut. The house below is one of my all time favorite homes in Essex. It sits at the end of a road and borders on a cove of the Connecticut River.
This is what the view would look like from the side of the house. Gorgeous.
This is the view coming into Essex Center. The church sits high up on a hill. I was trying to get this picture from my car before someone came and honked at me and shouted, “Get out of the way tourist!”.
I love these horse heads. These were used back in the day to tie your horses up.
Downtown Essex and all the trees in full bloom.
OMG! I’m dying over this house! Why didn’t I ever notice it before. I already have myself moved in and the house decorated.
This house sits on the Connecticut River in Old Lyme. To the left of the house is the river and also a helicopter pad. I remember in high school when my old boyfriend worked at the marina across the river we would watch the helicopter take off and land. We were always like, I wonder who lives in that house, they must be really rich. LOL!
Dying over this house. If I moved back to CT, this would be my home. Wish I could see the inside.
I just picture drinking my morning coffee on this porch or unwinding after a long day with a glass of wine on a pair of rocking chairs.
I was driving taking this picture. This the Goodspeed Opera House and unfortunately, my camera doesn’t do this building justice. Sitting on the edge of the Connecticut River (directly behind it), this spectacular building is home to the original productions of Manof La Mancha, Shenandoah, and Annie and the recipient of two Tony Awards. The Goodspeed Opera House works in conjunction with the The Norma Terris Theatre (located in non other than Chester, CT) to develop new musicals and emerging artists. It’s also a test location for many shows that go on to Broadway. All the more reason why you need to visit.
Down at the docks in Essex Center, where the ducks and swans are spoiled by tourists feeding them bread. This swan was coping an attitude when he found out I didn’t have any bread. Sue, remember when you got attacked by swans? LOL! I started to notice everyone’s doors were all decorated. Now I wish I got more pics.
The only daffodils I see in LA is at Trader Joes. There is nothing that reminds me of springtime more than daffodils, tulips, lilacs, and forsythia. For you New Englanders, you will laugh. We pay $15.99 at Whole Foods for three stems of Lilacs(that grow everywhere in CT) and $15.00 to $20.00 for forsythia, which, some consider a weed. The first time I saw the price I said, “Are you kidding me? For Real?” See below my Aunts lovely garden. I love how the daffodils randomly popped up between the rocks and border her garden, etc. You can see the first sprouts of carrots popping up in her garden. Makes me miss Peggy & Fritz. How else would I know those are carrots sprouting?

Ok, I went a little overboard on the pictures but when you move away, it reminds you of all the things you loved and you took for granted. For all of you New Englanders….I’m so jealous that you get to relish in the splendor of springtime, I’m green with envy. However, I am pleasantly reminded during the winter months while wearing flip flops and your shoveling snow, why I live in Southern California. Hope you enjoyed the tour!
Tempting...but no. You are right, while those beautiful homes would be wonderful to decorate and make your own you'd probably freeze the first winter, right?
I did love the house with the red door, oh and the daffodils in your aunt's garden...and the swan.
One of the things I miss the most about New England, is the architecture of the homes.
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